Home Page Designs

Components of Homepage Design

The homepage of each Ektron V3 website is constructed using various components. The available components are listed below and can be combined in different ways to create a variety of designs and layouts.

Responsive Slide Smart form

This smartform includes a rotating image carousel. To make the images larger and the main focus, use images with a taller height. For less emphasis on the images and to display more content within the device viewport, particularly on mobile devices, use images with a shorter height.

Responsive Splash

This smart form provides  links on the left hand side of the page with an image placeholder on the right. It can be used with no image on the right.

Resposive Body

The purpose of the Responsive Body is to be a flexible use page to display text, images, or twitter feeds. It can be used as a Home Page feature or a stand alone page.

Responsive Buttons

This smartform provides buttons with color and image options.

Three-Image Banner

The purpose of the three image banner is break up content with relevant images and links. Images should be the exact same size (width & height) or they will display incorrectly. Each image provides a link to relevant information.

Responsive Border

How components are separated is up to the designer. In some cases, it may be preferable to have no break,  space or border between components and in others, it may enhance the design to add a break, space or border between components. This component provides color and width options.

Homepage Design Examples

Governor's Office for New Americans

This site uses  a Responsive slide and a Responsive body component in full width and a 3 column format.

Nevada Physical Therapy Board

This site uses a Responsive Slide, multiple Responsive Buttons, a Responsive Splash and a 3-image banner component to make up the page.

Nevada Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners 

This site combines a level one heading, the Responsive Splash page followed by 4 rows of the 3-image banner component.

School Health Access Resource Center

This site uses a level 1 heading and multiple Responsive Body components to create the homepage.

State of Nevada Digital Accessibility website

This site uses a level 1 heading, a level 2 heading and 3 rows image buttons to create a minimalistic and clean design.